Decoding Your Downstairs: 8 Things Women Need To Know About Their Va Jay Jay

"Woman covering her vagina"
The first thing you should really know about the vagina is that you should get yourself a group of girlfriends with whom your comfortable enough comparing notes and experiences! But, if you don’t have that group yet or the below issues just haven’t come up, then read on.........

"Woman holding a condom" 
You can still contract an STD even if you use a condom.....

It’s a huge let down but, it’s the reason why sleeping with completely random men may not be the best idea. At least if you run in the same circles, you may have gotten word if the guy had something!  If the skin of the vulva comes into contact with affected skin on the scrotum, you can still catch an STD.

"Nice pair of legs"
 Use it or lose it......

This typically only applies to post-menopausal women but, an unused vagina can form fragile tissue and even shrink, making sex difficult and painful.

"Man kissing a woman's neck"
Most women cannot reach orgasm from intercourse.....

There isn’t some club you just haven’t graduated into yet, or some form of intimacy you haven’t experienced if you haven’t reached orgasm through intercourse. Many women never do, but still have perfectly fulfilling sex lives.

"Woman seducing a man"
A Simple tip to finding the G spot.....

First off, the G spot is in a different place for every woman so don’t get frustrated if you can’t find it right away. However, in general it is along the front wall of the vaginal canal. Some women are able to find it by using their finger in the “come hither” motion, and doing that up and down the wall until they hit the spot. Of course, a man may not always be able to find that. But it’s nice if you have the info to try to direct him!

"Women's douche product"
Your vagina doesn’t have to smell like roses.....

Or be “douched.” Just because hundreds of products have been created to help you “clean up” your vagina, doesn’t mean that’s what men want. If you like to use those products—okay. But don’t use them out of insecurity. A vagina is meant to smell like a vagina.

"Woman getting a pap smear"
Your pap can only detect one type of cancer.....

And that’s cervical. It doesn’t scan for cancer on your ovaries, uterus or your colon. So if you’re concerned about those, see the proper health care professional.

"K Y Jelly"
Needing lubrication is normal.....

Plenty of women struggle to become naturally lubricated. Don’t feel like you’re the “kinky” one by standing in the K-Y aisle at the drug store. Comfortable and enjoyable sex is your birthright. So go get it.

"Woman covering her face"
The thing no one wants to talk about…

The queef. This is the sound that mimics gas coming out of your vagina. If this happens to you, don’t think your guy is thinking, “What is wrong with this woman?” He’s surely experienced it before. The queef is simply what happens when air is pushed into the vagina during intercourse, and a switching of positions allows much of it to rush out. Just ignore it if it happens, and keep enjoying yourself.

The first thing you should really know about the vagina is that you should get yourself a group of girlfriends with whom your comfortable enough comparing notes and experiences! But, if you don’t have that group yet or the below issues just haven’t come up, then read on. - See more at: