Police Foil Boko Haram Attack In Kano


The dreaded Boko Haram sect met disappointment as they tried to attack a police station in Sumaila Local Government Area of Kano on Wednesday night, June 11, 2014.

Brave police officers repelled the attack of the Islamist extremist group who besieged the station and started firing sporadically.

A resident of the town told pressmen that on at arrival at the station, the insurgents met a ready team of policemen who fired back at them and eventually repelling the insurgents.

The insurgents reportedly fled the area when it dawned on them that the police were quite prepared to counter their offensive.

A resident said many of the villagers had run out of the town to safety. “We hope that the police will be more vigilant from now because they (Boko Haram militants) often try to attack again with greater force whenever they are pushed back.”